Difference between OOP and POP

Jay Sheth
3 min readMay 15, 2021


In today’s world, there are numerous programming languages which are all purpose. And every language has its own specialties. And those programming languages are used to control the performance of a computer.

Now there are many types of programming language and each language has its own perks.

Different types of Programming Languages are:

1. Procedural Programming Language

2. Object Oriented Programming Language

3. Functional Programming Language

4. Scripting Programming Language

5. Logic Programming Language

This article gives brief information of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Procedural Oriented Programming (POP) and how they differ from each other.

Object Oriented Programming: Object Oriented Programming is a programming model which is based on concepts of classes. Computer programs are designed using the concept of objects that interact with real world, and that object contains data. Usually, the objects are the instances of class.

Some well-known Object-Oriented Programming Languages are:

Java, C++, C#, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Dart, Swift.

Procedural Oriented Programming: Procedural Oriented Programming is a programming model which is based on concepts of procedure. Procedure is also called Function or subroutine. During execution of a program, any procedure can be called, which includes other procedures or itself.

Some known Procedural Oriented Programming Languages are:

FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal and C.

Both Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Procedural Oriented Programming (POP) are the high-level languages in programming. Both of them have different approach — OOP has bottom-up approach and POP has top-down approach. In OOP, data is more important than function while in POP, function is more important than data.

Few major things which differs between both programming type are:

1. Access Modifiers:

While in POP there are no access modifier, OOP has 3 different types of them. They are very important for security purposes.

a. Public: We can declare any member (variable) of a class as a Public, by declaring them as public; those members can be accessed by everyone, i.e., they can be accessed by other classes and functions. We can access those public members from anywhere in the program using direct access operator ( . ) with the object of that class.

b. Private: We can declare any member (variable) of a class as a Private, by declaring them as private; those members can only be accessed by the member functions or the friend functions, any outside object or function of a class has no direct access.

c. Protected: We can declare any member (variable) of a class as a Protected, by declaring them as protected; protected access modifier is similar to private access modifier in the sense that it can’t be accessed outside of its class unless with the help of friend class, the difference is that the class members declared as Protected can be accessed by any sub-class (derived class) of that class as well.

If you want to know more about access modifiers, feel free to visit this link, written by me.

2. Security:

In OOP with the help of Data Abstraction we are able to hide our data, hence its very safe and there is less chance of data leak.

Abstraction is nothing but a method of hiding background details and representing essential features. Data abstraction is a programming technique that depends on the separation of interface and implementation.

In general, POP is less secure when compared to OOP.

3. Complexity:

Because of the modularity of OOP’s programs, new data objects can be easily generated from existing objects, making object-oriented programs simple to modify.

While in POP there is no simple process to add data in POP at least not without revising the whole program.

Thus, in many ways OOP is better than POP, but where it mainly succeeds is in Security and Data Abstraction. By using access modifier, we can decide which data should be visible to every class and function and which should be visible to certain class and functions.



Jay Sheth

Final year IT student, Cloud and DevOps Engineer, skilled in AWS, Azure, GCP, and Terraform. Passionate about automation.